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Today you are officially a month old and it's killing your mama! I can't tell you how many times I sat in your nursery, doing your overnight bottles, and tearing up because you are getting so big! And, yes, dad and I are excited for all of the fun things to come as you grow but some days, I would love for you to stay as little as you are right now.
This has been a big month for you little one! We've all been learning from each other, having fun, and experiencing lots.
We already have quite the routine down and you are such an easy going little guy. You rarely cry but can be fussy if you don't like something. You are becoming more alert, staying awake longer, and like to tell us about things. You've said "goo" three times but never in front of dad! Your favorite way of telling us about your day is by saying: "eh, eh, eh." Mom has already started talking to you in Russian but it's really hard to do.
You like to do lots of big boy things like, practicing to stand or sit up. Tummy time is not your favorite thing to do but you do like to lay on your back and kick your legs or check out your hands. You rolled from your tummy to your back for the first time, three days ago! I was so impressed and excited but you were very nonchalant about your big boy move.
We have lots of nicknames for you already! Grandma calls you hugs because you are so snugly and love to be held. Dad and I call you: Hugo bear, buddy, little guy, my little red haired boy, and Hugo-a-go-go.
You love to sleep on or next to mom, which I love. We've tried co-sleeping a couple of times but it's not usually met with a lot of success. You are able to fall asleep, but often mom lays there thinking about a bazillion things despite being tired.
You also love your car seat and to go for car rides. You do not like it when the car stops when you are still awake. Red lights and coffee stands are not your favorite things. You also hate hats. Mom puts a hat on you when we go somewhere to cover your ears but somehow it always falls over your eyes. It's not often that you get upset, but you tend to get really upset when your hat slips. This typically happens in the most difficult places to pull over to fix it or remove the hat.
You've already gotten so big! You are officially too big for newborn clothes and are too long for some 0-3 month onesies and t-shirts. You've also outgrown mom's favorite baby booties that you wore home from the hospital. This is when I realized just how big you've become (and the tears ensued)! And while sometimes its hard seeing you grow so quickly, I am excited to see what kind of changes you will experience this month and what kinds of firsts you will have.
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