St. Patrick's Day Refashion

Friday, March 17, 2017

The other week I went thrifting with my mom and I found this forest green dress from The Limited for $3.49 and in the cart it went. Lurve, at first sight. It's always interesting to go thrifting with my mom because, even to this day, whenever I pick something out, she gets a really nervous look and tries to redirect my attention onto something else. To be fair, the dress was a major don't for my body type. Drop waist, sheath but too tight on my hips, too short, and the 2000-esque bow nicely accentuated a post-baby bump that shouldn't be there anymore (it's just so rainy outside and I'm definitely guilty of sometimes giving into the sweet tooth).

However, when I looked at this dress, I saw the neck details and exposed shoulder which is my favorite feature to accentuate. The material was also a really nice quality and it was in good condition. I'm also notoriously pale 365 days of the year and this color compliments my skin tone and brings out the green in my eyes. In sum, this dress had all the necessary bones for something awesome. Plus, it would be the perfect St. Patrick's Day refashion.

I knew that this was going to be a quick and easy refashion. My favorite way to refashion is to lop off the bottom and that is exactly what I did! Yay, for a new blouse!

First, I clipped away any excess "stuff" on the dress.

Then I measured how long I wanted the blouse, including my seam allowances, and marked it on the dress. After that, I cut the dress and compiled the ribbons/excess fabric in a pile to be added to my fabric stash for later.

Moving onto the raw edges of the blouse, I folded over and ironed a 1/4" and then folded over another 1/4" for a nice, clean seam.

Once the seam was ironed neatly, the blouse went straight over to the sewing machine and stitched along the top edge.

All done! I have to say that getting photos of things has been rather difficult - especially with Hugo going through his 'terrible two' phase. Right now his patience is pretty iffy and even a 10 minute photo session with the husband is near impossible. Eventually, I will need to figure out a solution but for this post, we'll just have to make do. So here goes!

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